October 25, 2007

This Saturday - Super Secret Show at Bob's House

Monarch. No PA system. Wax & Wane. Bob's cats maybe. Small Sur. BYOB. Ben and Bruno. Lots of beards. Bronze Float.

Yes, in Baltimore even home shows have flyers. From resident/organizer/Small Sur band guy/extremely bearded man Bob Keal: "There will be no PA/mics used for the show. Monarch is coming up with a one-off quiet set just for the occasion, and everyone else's tunes will be special, too." Indeed. Email Bob (bobito at gmail) for directions and you'll soon be brown-bagging your way to a super special secret show! Starts at 7 and ends by 10:30.

Monarch - Family Glue
Small Sur - Big Sur

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Baltimore.