BT Adventures Pt 3: Battle Cat + Bmore Round Robin
We've uncovered the Air Wolf consipiracy and established connections between McGruber MacGuyver and Chuck Norris; now it's time to figure out what role, if any, Bmore-based Adventure's 8-bit synth compositions play in our earliest console memories. The clues are hidden inside this BT bootleg video of "Battle Cat" - if you're the first to name all 38 'tendo games in the comments section, in order, Benny will send you an autographed copy of his new self-titled debut. And we'll send you
everything you see here so that others may know your greatness.
Adventure is also available on iTunes or the CarPark shop (while you're there, scoop the new Beach House 7" and Lesser Gonazalez's joint).
You can also hear it live when the entire Bmore Round Robin crew host a proper Eyes/Feet weekend at Sonar on December 18th and 19th. Tickets for the whole weekend are $22 (includes a $7 "suck it Trebek" Ticketmaster charge) and they went on sale today, so. See our previous review here if you've any doubt this will be wig-scrambling.
Adventure - Wild Wild Ride
Mike Tyson's Punch Out!!
Notorious BIG - Super Nintendo/Sega Genesis
after excite bike it was all downhill for me...
Sorry I was typing while watching, some of these are abbreviated.
Super Mario 1
Contra 1
Ice Climber
Ice HOckey
Ghouls n Ghosts
Maniac Mansion 1
Kid Icarus
DUck Hunt
Castlevania 1
Bionic Commando
Blades of Steel
Blaster Master
Double Dribble
Duck Tales
Double Dragon 1
Metal Gear
Mega Man 2
Ninja Gaiden
Mike Tysons PO
Zelda 1
TMNT original
Tecmo Bowl
Contra 2
Spy Hunter
Zelda 2
TMNT Arcade
River City Ransom
No rewards necessary, but if you are interested, I'll leave my email for kicks. No spam por favor.
wow nice try. unfortunately there are two errors in this submission (not counting minor stuff like Contra 2 vs. Super Contra) so you don't win. but very impressive.
Everyone knows back in the day that Contra 2 = Super Contra, but if you really wanna get anal then I'll give you that. As for the mistakes, I'd love to see them. A million bucks that noone else got Shadowgate.
Oh and if you really wanna get technical, I'll give you a list of Genesis games and then we can really throw down.
I like the cut of your jib - but avoiding any naming/number issues (Tecmo Bowl vs. Super Tecmo Bowl, etc.) there is still one incorrect answer.
super mario 1
excite bike
ice climber
ice hockey
ghosts and goblins
maniac mansion
kid icarus
duck hunt
Bionic commando (?)
blades of steel
master blaster
double dribble
duck tales
double dragon
metal gear
mega man
ninja gaiden
paper boy
punch out
super mario 2
ninja turtles 1
super mario 3
tecmo bowl
super contra
spy hunter
zelda 2
ninja turtles 2 the arcade
rc pro am
river city ransom
Isn't it actually called Ice Breaker instead of Ice Climber?
no, it's ice climber:
Adam is the big winner (even though it was Mega Man 2, but who cares). Email me your email.
excite bike
ice climber
ice hockey
ghosts and goblins
maniac mansion
kid icarus
duck hunt
Bionic commando
blades of steel
master blaster
double dribble
duck tales
double dragon II
metal gear
mega man II
ninja gaiden
paper boy
punch out
tecmo super bowl
super contra
spy hunter
zelda 2
ninja turtles 2 the arcade
rc pro am
river city ransom
side note - just got the "new" Mega Man 9 for Wii, and either it's impossible or my patience/attention span has crumbled since back in the day. Haven't beaten a single stage yet and it's embarrassing.
I hate burst your bubble, but your use of Adventure to segue way into video game nostalgia is weak for one glaring reason.
Everyone into classic games knows you have to play them on the original system, no emulators. However, this is exactly what Benny does with his music.
A Mac Book Pro has many fine uses, but why would you use it just to play techmo bowl? Again, this is what Benny does musically.
If you want real, authentic 8 bit music check out Baltimore native, now in NYC, Jeff Donaldson aka noteNdo, or any other 8 Bit Peoples collective member.
The chiptunes scene is pretty strong up in NYC, right now. They actually rock the place with just circuit-bent LSDJ.
Yea, it's an anal detail. However, if you're going to nitpick contest entries, I'm going to call you out on the post.
I miss Duck Tales.
and I hate to burst YOUR bubble, but no one gives a shit about chiptunes cred.
but thanks for keeping it real/authentic.
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