November 5, 2008

Far Away Rmxs

Can't say Cut Copy's "Far Away" could possibly be improved upon or that I'd rather listen to any of these remixes over the original, but you can be the judge on that. The important thing is we're celebrating victorious radness in all of its forms today (Radiohead are also marking the occasion with a semi-fresh rmx of "Harrowdown Hill" via Dead Air Space, mp3 here).

Far Away (Ring Trick Rmx)

Far Away (Bag Raiders Rmx)

Far Away (ddpesh Rmx)

Update: Even more Far Away remixes

And for the sixteenth time, we plug the unofficial BT video for this song, which shall remain the default until they actually make one:

You may also enjoy throwing on the elbow-padded tweed whilst perusing our vast, leather-bound Cutters archives for additional pre-weekend morsels.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! The song from Bag Raiders is incomplete, could you repost it? thankx a lot!