October 13, 2009

BT Video: Should Have Taken Acid w/ Yall

Although the arrival date of VEGA's debut EP still remains a mystery, Alan Palomo's side gig Neon Indian goes legit today with the release of Psychic Chasms. We celebrated by making a video for the song that started it all - this gentleman most likely celebrated via an all-night (or multi-day) chillbrocore sesh, and upon entering a store the next morning found himself unable to complete any transactions/basic motor functions.

Neon Indian - Should Have Taken Acid With You

Stream a few tracks from Psychic Chasms here or pick it up at Insound.

(original clip via Every Day I'm Tumblin')

BT Video: No Reasons (VEGA)
Seems Chill/Not Chill (Neon Indian)
More posts about VEGA
Nude (Hipster Runoff Remix)



Hey Butter Team! Where can one buy VEGA's new album? Can't seem to find it on iTunes...DESIGN + CONQUER is itchin' to get its hands on the new tracks!


Just contacted their manager— the album is supposed to be out in early 2010. Bummer! D + C wants it NOW!! haha